Saturday, August 31, 2019

Discuss how Shakespeare creates a sense of suspense and dramatic tension in Macbeth Essay

Shakespeare wrote Macbeth 400 years ago. The themes of, upset, false appearance and illusion, the riddles are caught up and reflected in the wording of the play to heighten and improve the total impression that Shakespeare gives off. He used dramatic tension in this play to make it more frightening and realistic. He used poetic language and rhyme to create this. It would stay in the audience heads, when it was in rhyme, and stand out as he could not use special effects in the fifteen hundreds, like we can today, so he had to do it through his writing. Shakespeare’s uses appearance verses reality a lot through The Play Macbeth, to portray Macbeth and Lady Macbeth as being nice and courteous on top, but really be wicked underneath this is brought up a good deal throughout the play. He would use the super natural and violence instead of special effects. He used the super natural like witches in his plays because people then were very superstitious and believed that witches had great powers. When the actors would chant on stage for a spell, the audience might believe something could actually happen which would create tension. If something bad or evil was about to happen it would go dark which is scary and if it suddenly went light the audience would no someone good was coming e.g. Banquo. He would use very short and course language to shock the audience in the right places. King James was interested in witches, so he wrote something that would appeal to the king. Also it was about the murder of the king which James the 1st would of enjoyed, because it shows the consequences of what happen if you dare betray a king and in Shakespearean times it was known as killing someone who was appointed by god. If the king were going to see it then other people would think that it must be good and then go and see it themselves. The queen before James was Elizabeth the 1st. People felt safe with a strong king or queen. So in Macbeth he shows the importance of kings and queen keeping order and if they were out of order they were punished i.e. death and torture. In act one scene one, the start of this scene there is thunder and lightning straight away that grabs the audience’s attention. This creates a spooky atmosphere, it will all go dark and they will think something evil is about to happen. Such stirs in the heavens were thought to indicate war in kingdoms and so cause bad weather. The witches then appear which will scare the audience as in Shakespearean times witches were thought to be very powerful and evil. People thought they could communicate with the devil, that they could predict the future, make people ill, kill people from a distance or cause bad weather. They start chanting on stage like in a spell. `Fair is foul and foul is fair`, this means a calling upon evil to overturn ideas off good and bad too confuse the false appearance with the reality. The witches bring up his inner most desires to the surface and offer them to him on a plate. Each word in the quote begins with an F, which Shakespeare does to make it stick in your head so if it ever comes up again you would remember it because it is a rhyming couplet. In act one scene two, the beginning of this scene a very bloody war had just occurred. There is an injured captain who is being helped to safety by Duncan’s bodyguard. The surrounding would be dead bodies and blood everywhere, which will immediately shock people. The sounds of battle will be in the background that is exciting. They hear about Macbeth before he arrives which adds suspense. `Till he unseamed him from the nave to th`chops and fixed his head upon our battlements`. Macbeth wins the battle. The Thane of Cawdor betrayed Duncan and Macbeth gets his title as a lord, it shows if anyone chooses to betray the king they will get killed. Macbeth is then shown as a very strong person as he had just killed a lot of men. Macbeth does not know he is the Thane of Cawdor yet in this scene. In Act one scene three, the three witches are talking, again there is thunder as soon as the witches arrive. They ask each other what they have accomplished the first witch says she’s been killing wine the others talk about how nasty they have been and all there conquests. The audience would be appalled by this and that they could be so evil. Macbeth and Banquo arrive and says `so foul and fair a day I have not seen` which uses the same words that the witches had used just before, this then links him to the witches and that he could be evil like them and be capable of killing someone. The witches look inhuman and disgusting then make three predictions. One that he is the Thane of Glamis, Two that he is going to be the Thane of Cawdor, and Three that he will be King and that Banquo’s children’s children will be future kings. The king has already said that he is the Thane of Cawdor, so now the audience know that the witches can predict the future, this will scare them, and they now think maybe that he will be King. The witches then disappear so the audience thinks that they must be very powerful because they can vanish, that is something very supernatural and strange. He then later gets honoured Thane of Cawdor. Aside Macbeth says `What can the devil speak true? ` Meaning can the witches really predict the future. Aside means what he is thinking and the only way to do this is if he says it out loud. He cannot believe it came true. The audience then knows Macbeth is thinking evil thoughts, here is some of Shakespeare’s usage of appearance Vs reality. Banquo is represented in Macbeth as goodness and kindness. Sort of a voice of reason. He then talks to Macbeth about the danger that there could be getting involved with witches and evil. Banquo is also represented by light in the play. If evil is about to happen, when Banquo arrives it will go light as light is thought of as good and darkness as evil. In Act one scene four Macbeth gets the title if Thane of Cawdor and Duncan is very pleased. The old Thane of Cawdor was a traitor to the king and it was important that the king had someone he trusted like Macbeth who he doesn’t know is very untrustworthy. This is also to show you what would happen if you betrayed the king. `Stars hide your fires! Let not light see my dark and deep desires`, this means he is hoping the dark night will hide his evil thoughts to kill the king. As I said light represents good and dark represents bad. So if the stars were out they would be making light and show his thoughts In Act One scene, straight from the beginning Lady Macbeth is reading a letter out loud, this is called a soliloquy, and she does this so the audience can hear her. As soon as she has read the letter from Macbeth which told her about what had happened with the witches, and how he was the Thane of Cawdor, she started to think about how herself and Macbeth could kill the king. In those days it was thought as unbelievably evil for a women to have such vile thoughts as they were supposed to be innocent. She is then concerned that Macbeth is not brave enough to kill the king, the audience are then in suspense over whether he will do it or not. So she then has to make sure that she could make him do it, and that she must make herself have no feelings for other human beings except Macbeth. `Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direct cruelty`, means she is calling down evil spirits and make her evil. `Come to my women’s breast and take my milk for gall` means breast feeding is supposed to be a lovely natural thing for a women to do and is saying instead that she wants to feed evil. `Come thick night and pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell, that my keen knife see not the wound it makes, Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark to cry hold, hold`, this is saying she wants the dark to cover up hell and doesn’t want heaven to show her dark thoughts he personifies heaven as a person in this quote. In this play Lady Macbeth is a horrible person, she uses very harsh words that would effect the audience and cause tension. They will think when lady Macbeth is calling upon evil spirits that she must be a truly evil person, as the supernatural was considered to be very dangerous and people took it really seriously. Shakespeare uses very sharp wording in this scene, that would shock an audience of that time. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are going to act nice and kind in front of other people so that no one suspects their evil thoughts. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth will appear nice, but in reality be plotting to kill Duncan. At the end of this scene Lady Macbeth says `To alter favour ever is to fear leave the rest to me`. This adds excitement and suspense as the audience wonders what she is going to do. In Act One scene Six Lady Macbeth is putting the plan of appearance verses reality into action. King Duncan arrives at the castle where Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are kind and hospitable so not to show any hint of their plan. In Act One scene Seven half of this scene is a soliloquy, often when performing this in a theatre, the stage would be all around the audience, so the actor wouldn’t have to speak so loudly and the audience can see his expressions. Macbeth is feeling guilty about his plans to kill the king. Shakespeare uses this method to show the audience what Macbeth is thinking and to show what Macbeths doubts are about murdering Duncan. The audience will now be wondering if he is going to go through with it, or if he is going to back out, this causes great excitement within the audience. Shakespeare uses this technique every so often in the play to show the audience what is going on inside the characters heads. Lady Macbeth, after Macbeth has finished his speech, asked why he has left Duncan and the rest of the party. Macbeth goes on to tell her about his doubts, and that he is Duncan’s kinsman and he is supposed to be his host and is supposed to trust him. The audience are now waiting to see what Lady Macbeth will say and if she will back out, there is a lot of suspense in the air. She tells him that if he wants to be king he will have to do any thing to get there `cat I` th` adage`. She then tries a different tactic and says that he is less of a man and a coward if he cannot do this `when you durst do it, then you were a man`. Lady Macbeth then says she would rather kill her own child and smear its brains on the floor than go back on her word `I have given suck, and know how tender `tis to love the babe that milks me I would while it smiling at my face have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums, and dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you have done to this`. Shakespeare uses very strong wording to get through to the audience about how violent she is and evil, that a woman could kill her own child in such a way is horrifying. The Audience is then left in suspense till the next scene, wondering whether Macbeth will go through with it, Shakespeare does this as it keeps the audience hooked. At the end of this scene he uses the rhyming couplet to make the end to that dramatic scene stay in the audiences heads. In Act two scene, from the start there is a lot of tension. Macbeth is very nervous and on edge, he is waiting from the sign from Lady Macbeth to go and kill Duncan. The audience will be on the edge of their seats as they are wondering if they are going to get caught or will they get away with it. Amongst all this, Banquo and Fleance turn up, which is has a big relevance, as Banquo knows what the witches said to Macbeth about being king. Also that Banquo is good and kind, and enters the scene with a torch like he bringing goodness to an evil place by lighting it up `There is husbandry in heaven their, candles are all out`. Banquo means the heaven have not lit up the sky with stars and that there is evil about. The audience now think that Macbeth could get caught by Banquo and there is amazing tension rising. They then bump into each other. Banquo asks Macbeth why he is still up as the king has gone to bed. Macbeth is now very worried he is terrified he will be caught and is trying to get rid of Banquo as quickly as possible. Banquo then mentions the weird sisters and that he has been having nightmares about them, Macbeth quickly tells him that he will talk about it tomorrow and that he hasn’t really thought about it. In Shakespearean times dreams were thought of as prophesy, the audience then think Macbeth is probably going to get caught. Relief sweeps over Macbeth and the audience who are left wondering whether Macbeth is still going to go through with it, as Banquo leaves and all goes dark. Macbeth then sees a dagger hovering in the air before him, the audience will not be able to see this, so Shakespeare uses brilliant sentence structure and wording so they can imagine it is there `Is this a dagger I see before me, the handle toward my hand? Come let me clutch thee` Macbeth sees this dagger in front of him and he wonders whether it is a sign as the sharp end of the dagger is pointing toward Duncans room. `Proceeding from the heat oppressed mind` He thinks it could be a sign to do it now, or it may be a trick and if he went in now he would get caught, he wonders if it is something in his imagination because he is stressed. The audience is then scared as a ghostly figure was known as a work of the devil and evil, so they think that Macbeth is in trouble. The theatre will go dark when this happens to show that evil is happening. Shakespeare leaves the audience on the edge of their seats as in the end Macbeth says `The bell invites me. Hear it not Duncan, for it is a knell that summons thee to heaven or to hell` Which is also a rhyming couplet In Act two scene two, Macbeth returns covered in blood, which straight away tells the audience that Macbeth has done it, and this creates excitement and tension. The Conversation between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth is very quick and sharp, through most of Macbeth, Shakespeare has used ten syllables where as this particular conversation has very few syllables which shows they are nervous. Shakespeare does this to show the audience, as they may not be able to see their facial expressions. Macbeth had kept hold of the bloody daggers instead of leaving them, this creates suspense as they start to think they will be caught. Also every little sound Macbeth jumps at and is jittery. The visual effects in this will be Macbeth and Lady Macbeth covered in blood with daggers in there hands, the audience would think it was atrocious that they could be covered in a dead mans blood and not really care. Macbeth stars to get very paranoid, that he was seen, or will get caught and is feeling implausibly guilty, `Still it cried sleep no more to all the house` Macbeth is hearing voices and is terrified. Lady Macbeth is quite calm about what they have just done, this brings up again how foul she could be not to even feel a little guilty about what she’s done and must be a vicious human being to think like this `you do unbend your noble strength to think such brain sickly things`. The audience might reckon he is going to turn himself in and get excited. Next there is a knocking at the front door to the castle. This causes outstanding tension the audiences now thinks they are definitely caught and are on the edge of their seats with anticipation. The knocking continues `whence is that knocking? How is’t with me, when every noise appals me? ` The suspense rises, as they are still in their clothes that are covered in blood `My hands are of your colour; but I shame to wear a heart so white. I hear knocking at the south entry. Retire we to our chamber. A little water will clear us of this deed` they quickly go to their chamber to change into their night-clothes. This causes dramatic tension, as they are so close to getting caught. In the end of this scene Macbeth says `Wake Duncan with thy knocking. I would though couldst`, this just adds to the last of Macbeths lie and the audience are left in suspense till the next scene to see whether they get caught. Conclusion I conclude that out of all the evidence I have put forward, that Shakespeare’s main dramatic techniques are his language, sentence and word structure that he uses very well throughout the play. This makes it more exciting for the audience, as they did not have special effects then, thus he has to do it through his writing, so the audience can understand and imagine, which he does very effectively in the Acts and scenes that we studied. Him using the supernatural was a really good idea, as that is what appealed to King James and the audience at that period of time. It also scared them and kept them on the edge of their seats. The witches and supernatural in this play make it what it is and is a very important part because most of the suspense and tension is based on that.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Characterization in Canterbury Tales Essay

From cover to cover, Geoffry Chaucer’s late 14th century collection of short stories, Canterbury Tales, provides readers with a unique literary experience. Chaucer compiles twenty-four short allegories of no relation, yet all of the narrators know eachother. Another interesting trait of Chaucer’s masterpiece takes place in the beginning as he dedicates over twenty pages just to characterization of the story tellers. Chaucer takes about a page to deeply introduce the reader to each character who tells their own fable. It has been said of Chaucer’s characterization that â€Å"the sheer variety of wealth of detail creates the impression of a specific person. And yet, taken together, it all adds up to a comparatively simple stereotype† (Prompt) Chaucer goes into such detail in his prologue that he almost seems to create real people. For the most part, Chaucer stereotypically characterizes each character, but in the tale about another person of their same type, he satirically and indirectly characterizes them contradictary to the reader’s initial impressions of the equatable narrating characters. Chaucer creates these contradictart characterizations to show the flaws in society. Chaucer sets up the reader with a stereotypical description of each character showing them what characteristics the characters should possess, then simulatenously in the tales points out traits that one would view as corrupt and ironic. In the â€Å"Shipman’s tale†, a monk goes behind his best friend’s back and sleeps with his wife. Ironically not something a stereotypical monk should do. In the â€Å"Friar’s Tale†, a summoner corruptly blackmails people to keep from summoning them. Lastly in the â€Å"Wife of Bath’s Tale†, a knight rapes a women which contradict’s Chaucer’s initial noble description of the Knight. In the â€Å"Wife of Bath’s Tale†, a â€Å"lusty† knight sees a maiden â€Å"alone as she was born†, and despite her refusal â€Å"by very force he took her maidenhead† (282). This Knight contradicts Chaucer’s initial direct characterization of the Knight in the prologue having â€Å"truth, honor, generousness, and courtesy† (4). Chaucer describes the Knight in his prologue as the stereotypical â€Å"distinguished†, â€Å"modest†, â€Å"perfect gentle-knight†(5). The â€Å"Wife of Bath’s Tale† could not portray the knight in any more ironic of a light. The knight’s brutal rape of the maiden creates situational irony as it completely contradicts the description of Chaucer’s â€Å"gentle† knight (5). Chaucer points out that even the most noble and respected men can committ cruel acts of violence that go against their expected values. But even men who do not have the same class rank as the knight can still committ immoral acts that go against their expected actions. In Chaucer’s prologue, he characterizes a Summoner. He does not necessarily portray the Summoner as a noble man, but respected as â€Å"children are afraid when he appears† (20). A respected Summoner that society expects to do his job right, the â€Å"Friar’s Tale† describes a Summoner who does everything but do his job moraly and respectfully, â€Å"he was a theif, a summoner, and a pimp† (295). The â€Å"Friar’s Tale† exposes a Summoner who â€Å"rode forth to catch his prey† as he would blackmail people ruthlessly for money in order to not Summon them to court (295). Chaucer victimizes the people the Summoner takes advantage of by lableing them as â€Å"prey† and indirectly characterizes the Summoner as heartless and manipulative. Society expects a Summoner to truthfully do his job without stealing people’s money in exchange for a court release. The â€Å"Friar’s Tale† portrays a dirty Summoner which contradicts the stereotypical Summoner Chaucer describes in his prologue. This unethical Summoner shows the ill in society that many Summoners exploit people in the same way the Summoner does in the â€Å"Friar’s Tale†

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Traditional Fairy Tale From a Feminist Perspective

A Traditional Fairy Tale From a Feminist Perspective The Big Bad Wolf, Prince Charming, and The Beast: many fairy tales provide images of men varying from the courageous to the very evil. Each tale encodes messages for young girls about men, marriage, or sex as a type of socialization. Charles Perraults traditional version of the Bluebeard tale, which includes morals regarding curiosity and marriage, is no exception. In her book The Bloody Chamber, Angela Carter totally flips the messages of traditional fairy tales, such as Bluebeard, by rewriting them from a feminist perspective. Carter transforms the tale of Bluebeard into a feminist story in her version entitled The Bloody Chamber by placing the mother in the role of savior, allowing the protagonist to participate in her own rescue, and subtracting strength from the secondary male figures. One of Carters most notable adaptations to the story of Bluebeard in an effort to create a feminist tale is her treatment of the protagonists mother. In the traditional version of the fairy tale, Perrault mentions the protagonists mother only briefly as, a respectable lady, [who] had two daughters who were perfect beauties (144). Unlike Perrault, Carter chooses to make the mother a central figure. Whereas Perrault only describes the mother in regard to her lady-like qualities and her role in raising children, Carter depicts the mother as a much more complex and powerful character, which is a key adaptation in her efforts to turn the story into a feminist tale. In the opening of the story, the narrator describes her mother as my eagle-featured indomitable mother who had outfaced a junkful of Chinese pirates, nursed a village through a visitation of the plague, shot a man-eating tiger with her own hand (7). By describing the mother as indomitable, Carter immediately points to the moth ers strength. Likewise, by providing the reader with the mothers unfeminine history, Carter emphasizes the mothers past courage and potential power. Carter also depicts the mother as a source of strength for the female protagonist. When she explores the chamber, the narrator notes, Until that moment, this spoiled child did not know she had inherited nerves and a will from the mother who had defied the yellow outlaws of Indo-China. My mothers sprit drove me on. (28). Carter does not simply depict the mother as brave, but implies that bravery passes from mother to daughter. The passing of courage from female to female, rather than male to male or male to female, is significant in that it shows the power of a strong female role model. The daughter looks up to the mother because of her unfeminine abilities. The history of the mothers courage is not the only way in which Carter uses the mother character to make the story distinctly feminist. Carter expands on this strong female character by placing the mother in the role of the savior, rather than giving such power to a male character. In Perraults version of the tale, the girls brothers heroically rescue her from a violent death at the hands of Bluebeard. Carter, however, replaces the brothers with the mother, thus placing the most power (the power to defeat the villain) in the hands of a female, she raised my fathers gun, took aim and put a single, irreproachable bullet through my husbands head (40). With the mother as the rescuer who kills the husband, Carter changes the nature of the climactic moment of the story. Rather than a struggle between men regarding a female, the struggle occurs between male and female. The wife relies not on men to save her, but on another woman. Cater toys with this power struggle between male and female even more by allowing the protagonist to play a role in her own escape. In both The Bloody Chamber and Perraults Bluebeard, the protagonist attempts to prolong her life by stalling her husband. In Carters version, the narrator walks slowly to her husband to allow her mother time to approach the castle (39). In Perraults, the girl asks for time to say her prayers in attempt to delay her doom until the arrival of her brothers who she hopes will rescue her (146). Both of these examples are passive attempts to simply buy time until another party can perform the rescue. However, Carter provides her protagonist with a greater role in her own escape, as her husband swings what would be a deathly blow. The blade did not descend, the necklace did not sever, my head did not roll. For, for an instant, the beast wavered in his stroke, a sufficient split second of astonished indecision to let me spring upright and dart to the assistance of my lover as he struggled sightlessly with the great bolts that kept [my mother] out. (39) This quote exemplifies the importance of the narrators own action in her salvation. Carters emphasis on what did not happen, followed by the action of the protagonist, allows the reader to see that she does not die because of her own inclination to move out from under the blade. After all, if she does not do so, her husband will kill her before her mother even enters the room. Her assistance is required to open the gate for her mother. The addition of the protagonists action is a key element in her rescue, which is not found in Perraults version of the tale. In his version, the brothers enter, chase, and kill Bluebeard while the girl remains on the ground, Bluebeards wife was as close to death as her husband and barely had the strength to rise and embrace her brothers (147). Whereas Perrault depicts her as weak and incapable, Carter depicts the wife as a powerful individual whose actions are key to her own rescue, thus giving even more power to the female roles. Not only does Cater transform the tale of Bluebeard into a feminist story by empowering the female characters, she also decreases the power of the secondary male characters by removing the brothers from the story and adding the less powerful piano-tuner. In Perraults version of the tale, the only male characters the reader encounters (aside from Bluebeard) are the brothers. Additionally, Perrault depicts the brothers as the very picture of masculinity, the one a dragoon and the other a musketeer (147). His version of the story only contains images of powerful and aggressive males. Carter opts to remove the brothers completely. As a result, the reader associates male power and aggression with evil because it is only found in the husband and is not positively represented. Carter not only removes the powerful and aggressive brothers, but she also adds the less-powerful piano-tuner, Jean Yves, to show a weakened power of men in the story. The narrator first describes Jean with a series of adjectives that lead the reader to picture him as a male without power, he was blind, of course; but young, with a gentle mouth (23). From this description the reader envisions a mild boy with a handicap, which is the complete opposite of the secondary male characters depicted in Perraults tale. Not only does the narrator describe Jean as a weakling in physical terms, she later describes his lack of courage. She states, The door slowly, nervously opened and I sawthe slight, stooping figure of the piano-tuner, and he looked far more terrified of me than my mothers daughter would have been of the Devil himself (31). Carters use of comparison points out the drastic difference in courage between the boy and the protagonist. Carter repeats this theme of comparison of bravery again when the narrator says, When I thought of courage, I thought of my mother. Then I saw a muscle in my lovers face quiver (38). By recalling the image of the powerful mother and placing it next to the quivering face of the lover, Carter reemphasizes the dramatic difference in courage between male and female. In doing so, Carter creates a world in which the only positive strong characters the reader encounters are female. By taking the power out of the hands of the males, and making the secondary male char acter a less powerful assistant to the females, Carter turns the gender-related power issues in the story upside-down. The fact that Carter creates a weak male character for her version of the story is an example of how she twists every aspect to change the traditional tale into a feminist piece. Carter goes beyond empowering the females of the story by strengthening the character of the mother to the point of savior and making the protagonist an active participant in her own escape. Additionally, she strips the story of all positive powerful males, leaving only the Bluebeard character, which stands alone as a negative representation of male power.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Film language elements of a movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Film language elements of a movie - Essay Example On the contrary, Tom gets tired of Mamie and starts dating with the flamboyant Gwen. Tom surprises his mother by his wealth. His mother and straight forward brother, Mike, disapprove of his career choices. The battle of moral between the brothers culminates in a dinner table (Greatest Films, n.d.). Because Nathan, Tom, and Matt pursued lives full of crimes, they ended up dying out of crime. The mise-en-scene has been planned well. Tom brings a keg to celebrate Mike’s return from war. The beer displays Tom’s lifestyle. At dinner, Tom takes the head seat of the table, in his mother’s opposite direction. The mother has to hoist her neck in order to see her son beyond the keg. Cinematography has influenced the believability of the film. In the grapevine scene, Tom shocks his girlfriend by slapping her with the grapes. The development of the movie, including the episode where Tom places a keg of beer on the table and Mike getting infuriated by Tom’s display of illegally acquired wealth as he denounces him helps bring a clear picture of the cinema. Matt gets shot and dies in front of Tom in stakeout. Tom avenges his friend’s death by going to the opponents’ gang headquarters and opens fire. He overpowers them; however, he sustains injuries from gunshots and gets hospitalized. His mother jubilates upon hearing that her son has reformed and would join them. Later, Mike answers a door knock only to find Tom, murdered and buttressed up in the doorway (Bould 41). Other scenes include Tom and Matt appearing in expensive tailor made clothes and dancing with beautiful women after acquiring a lot of wealth through illegal business. Several outbu rsts of violence receive good production attention. They include the shooting of Putty Nose and the scene where Matt and Tom shoot the horse that fell killing Nathan, their crime boss. Sound has been used to bring various effects in the film. Both the human sounds, gunshots and music played in the film

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Definition of the Educational Technology Field Essay

Definition of the Educational Technology Field - Essay Example The education and instructional technology is a link between available technologies and the educational/instructional needs by means of looking for ways to make the technology useful to both the student and the teacher. Usually, there is a need to have a clear definition of the field of instructional technology. First, a clear definition offers the people involved, especially the professionals in the field, a better understanding of what their roles are (Hall, Meyer & Rose 2012). Unless there is a clear definition of the field and what it entails, there is a very high chance that the productivity of such professionals, in terms of what they learn, research and implement will be an issue. At the same time, as more and more technologies come out, there are issues of technology hype. Technology hype is the promises that most technologies offer to do, but that do not add any value. In instructional and educational technology, the best thing to know is that not all technologies will offer any quality to the education and instructional process. Taking these technologies on their face value would lead to expensive investments in educational technology, but with little or no return. In this regard, having a good definition of the instructional technology is also a good way to create a better understanding of what this field is about. It also creates the awareness that in involving technology in education and especially in instruction design, the needs of the teacher/students drive the use of technology and not the other way round. Technology should not be the one driving the needs of the teacher/student in class, but technology should only be applied where and when necessary. This can only be best understood by having a clear understanding of instructional what technology is and how it relates to instructional design (Spector et al, 2013). Professionals who understand this principle are

Monday, August 26, 2019


WHAT ARE THE STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESS OF THE VIEW THAT WE ARE LIVING IN A GLOBALISED WORLD - Essay Example nomies into an international economy through trade, capital flows, migration, spread of technology and many other factors contributing to it (Bhagwati, 2004). Globalisation is usually recognized as being caused by a combination of economic, socio-cultural, technological, political and biological factors. It can also refer to the dissemination of ideas, languages or popular culture between nations (Croucher, 2004). Living in a globalised world has its share of negative effects on the average citizen, and globalisation has been one of the most hotly-debated issues in international economics in the past years. One of the causes for this opposition to globalisation is the concern that globalisation has increased inequality and environmental degradation (Hopkins, 2004). Fears for inequality arise in situations in which companies take advantage of cheap labour force in backward countries and use employees for their own needs without taking care of their working conditions. Also, as a result of the industrial nature of factories and that are responsible for manufacturing goods, the environment suffers damages in its land, in bodies of water (including rivers, lakes, oceans, seas) and in the air as well (as poisonous materials are released to the air). Poorer countries suffer more disadvantages because of globalisation. As some countries try to save their national markets, they sometimes subsidise their main export, which is agricultural goods. This lowers the poor farmers crop prices in the poor countries compared to what it would have been if countries had not subsidised their goods. (Hurst, n.d) One other negative effect of globalisation in the economic field is the increase in child labour. The conditions in the poorer countries of the world along with the "enticements" offered by large corporations in them cause even children to go to work in order to help support their families. These children often work in sweatshops and in terrible conditions. The increases in

College needs to offer services learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

College needs to offer services learning - Essay Example The educational value to the student is virtually nil (except that they learn that coerced voluntarism is a really bad idea).†1 Many people think service learning would be a great experience for college students in order so that they would gain college credit. However, communities do not necessarily have the money to fund service learning projects, unless they are sponsored by companies that can afford to sustain such programs and projects. It is unlikely that many organizations would be willing to freely donate of their time and resources in order to institute service learning programs for their communities, unless they could see direct benefits coming to their respective organizations. Most organizations would not be willing to donate time and money in order to see service learning projects come to light. However, advocates of service learning would argue otherwise. â€Å"Service learning provides a compelling reason to learn, teaches the skills of civic participation and develops an ethic of service and civic responsibility. Service learning increases motivation and retention of academic skills as specific learning goals are tied to community needs.†2 Also, advocates of service learning would argue that beyond empirical numbers, service learning has a beneficial effect on those who serve as well as members of a community. â€Å"Service-learning can bring learning to life for students. It can re-ignite disaffected students†¦who need skills in working together. It can bring members of the community into contact with young people, reminding both groups of the values of tolerance and understanding. Its benefits are numerous...†3 However, such a program of required service learning in college would be difficult to initiate and monitor. â€Å"Within the service-learning cycle, project monitoring is an efficient, systematic method

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Components of a business plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Components of a business plan - Essay Example As a result, companies can find easier alternatives to satisfy the customer needs. Consumers are motivated by this extra service that the company provides to them increasing their trust with the manufacturer. Over the past few decades, there has been an increased desire for organizations to have personal interactions with customers. Major organizations find ways to reach out to the client in delivery form. American Delivery Department provides them with the opportunity to fulfill their objectives. ADD, will deliver those company products which cannot make it up to their clients. This market gap has initiated the formation of the ADD Company. Due to many customers that are served by the similar institutions, they cannot reach them in person and will have to hire other firms such as ADD on their behalf. Furthermore, companies nowadays are in the need to find customer response concerning their products so that they can evaluate where to improve their production, a desire that ADD will offer as an extra sales services to the respective organizations. Due to the serious nature of the industry to proffer such services, ADD organization has a market opportunity that will ensure productivity. The population is increasing by the day those results in increased customers to many companies. Due to problems of reaching all the customers, ADD will be hired by most organizations to oversee the service delivery. Our costs are relatively small that will attract major customers for our services. American Delivery Department, therefore, has already market that will increase its sales leading to high revenues. Though, competition is stiff in the industry, the organization majorly targets average and small organizations that market leaders are not concerned about. The company will be assured henceforth to make an impact on the market and become a force to other rival

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Reflection Paper College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflection Paper College - Essay Example This is important because it shifts the focus in the day-to-day activities from the base employee-level to supervisor and middle management and as such, one's skills should be geared to dealing with supervisors. Recognizing the strategic business role that HR plays and "seeing the big picture" of HR within an organization is an important lesson going forward and I believe that such an appreciation will be welcomed and respected by my future employers. Another important learning outcome was the function that the High-Powered Work System of (HPWS) had in guiding HR practices, specifically Staffing and Compensation. Leveraging technology in combination with organizational structure is an essential aspect to the HPWS and as a consequence Human Resources. How to utilize those technologies and developing a structure that seeks to integrate those technologies in a human resources capacity will be an important part of my Human Resources philosophy. Workplace Diversity is more about thriving in a globalized market than achieving Equal Opportunity employment practices.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Environment degradation in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Environment degradation in China - Essay Example China has faced an enduring and remarkably quick economic development since its liberalization in 1978. Despite the fact that having considerably improved the lifestyle of the large part of the population, the economic progress has resulted in severe environmental predicaments, such as widespread water and air pollution, solid waste accumulation, high air pollution and water scarcity in urban areas. The situation of the environment is still deteriorating and posing, in several areas, problems to economic development. Between 1980 and 1993 urban water use soared by 350 % and industrial consumption twice over the period (World Bank, 2001)1. Demand for water has been growing at the time when several regions of China faced water scarcity, major water pollution, and reduced groundwater tables besides flood and famine damage. These factors have deteriorated the deficiency of water resources, augmented costs of water purification, and in cases where suitable infrastructure has not been present, endangered the safety of drinking water, consequently the health of the population. They also had critical impacts on the safety of industrial and agricultural manufacture and led to losses in fishing business. It is expected that the yearly economic loss from water pollution in China reaches 1.5-3 % of GDP, having more major impact than floods and famine (Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2000)2. These issues are especially severe in northern China and in the catchments of the three rivers namely Huai, Hai and Huang. These three catchments comprise around 35 % of total GDP and include the economically and politically vital Beijing-Tianjin region. Yet the major causes of water pollution are industrial wastewater release, raw municipal sewage discharge and non-point pollution from agriculture. Of late, non-point water pollution, which emanates from fertilizer and pesticide overspill, and release from intensive animal production businesses, is becoming critical and can be expected to rise even further. Quality of Surface and Coastal Water & Groundwater The chemical and organic quality of the surface water is normally low. The main pollutants are raw material from domestic and industrial sources, industrial hydrocarbons, light lubricating oil, plant nutrients and heavy metals. Bacteriological pollution is

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Environmental Pollution Essay Example for Free

Environmental Pollution Essay Environmental pollution is not a new fact. It is one of the biggest problems the world faces today. It is a big matter which is disturbing us economically, physically and our normal life. According to the Scott Forseman, pollution is defined as the addition of any substance of form of energy to the environment at a rate faster than the environment can accommodate it by dispersion, decomposition, recycling or storage in some harmless forms. Our precious earth is daily polluted in a variety of ways such as air pollution, water, soil, chemical, smoke, noise, radioactive, thermal, waste, energy, oil and urban pollution. Pollution began to draw major public attention in the United States between the mid-1950s and early 1970s, when the congress passed the clean air act, clean water act and National Environmental Policy act. (W.A Andrews and D.K Moore).It was the industrial revolution that gave the birth to environmental pollution as we know it today. Growing evidence of local and global pollution and an increasingly informed public over time have given to environmentalism and the environmental movement, which generally seek to limit human impact on the environment. Scientists believe that all cities with populations exceeding 50,000 have some degree of air pollution. In this essay I will show that how human activities are producing pollution which is negatively affecting the whole world and environment and there are also two main solutions for this problem why it needs to be addressed. Pollution is causing by a lots of activities we do every day. Global economic production creates global pollution .Burning fossil fuels to run factories, motorized vehicles and power plants are producing huge amount of pollution everyday. Motor vehicles produce high level of Carbon monoxide (CO) and major source of hydrocarbons (HC) and nitrogen oxide (NO) which is very harmful for our environment. The other major cause is fertilizers using in the crops, it also creates pollution because it negatively affect the human health, water and the plants. One another type of pollution is oil pollution in the oceans. It is release of liquid petroleum hydrocarbon in the environment due to the human activities.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Organizational Behavior Apple vs Scania Essay Example for Free

Organizational Behavior Apple vs Scania Essay Organizational Behavior is a field of Study which investigates the impact that individuals groups and structure have on organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge towards improving organization effectiveness. (Huczynsky, 2010) The way people behave individually or collectively in order to reach a common goal. Organizational behavior includes in it such issues as organizational design, culture, Group decision making, teamwork and leadership. (Dictionary of Business and Management, 2009) In this report two companies Apple and Scania are compared to each other in terms of their organizational behavior such as: design, culture, structure leadership and etc. The report is written based on the two key studies provided in the assessment and via additional sources and researches. The report starts with brief information about the background of the companies. Further the companies are compared by applying theories such as: Continuum leadership theory of Tannenbaum and Schmidt, Abraham Maslow’s theory of hierarchy of needs, Managerial grid Leadership theory of Blake and Mouton, and etc. The team-work approaches in both of the companies are highly focused, discussed and followed by recommendations. Companies’ background. ‘A truly magical and revolutionary product. What this device does is extraordinary. It is the best browsing experience you’ve ever had†¦ It is unbelievably great†¦ A way better than laptop, way better than a Smartphone.’ Steve Jobs 2010 We could not even imagine how our phones and computers would look like today. The bulky and considered luxury machines are now innovated and updated devices owned by every single person and even few by each. One of the major roles in evolution of IT technology during all these years has the multinational American company called Apple. Established in 1976, the company was initially named Apple computer, Inc, but later on in 2007 it was renamed into just Apple. The company’s products are known as iPad, iPod, iPhone and Macintosh Computers or simply Mac Books. Apple has a very strong global market position as it has penetrated world’s biggest markets. According to the data provided in 2011, Apple has 46,600 full time employees around the world and 2,800 temporary full time employees and company’s sales are getting higher seasonally. Meanwhile Apple is considered to be a very successful company with a very high performance quality of its employees. (M. A. Lusted, 2012) Another Successful company taken its origin in Sweden and founded in 1891 is Scania. Scania is one of the largest and best Swedish heavy truck and bus Manufacture Company with globally recognized reputation. Scania’s products are created just the way their customers wish including in it Maximum use and minimum harm to the environment. Scania’s products are designed to consume less energy, less raw materials and chemicals in order to have as lower impact on environment as possible. Along with its reputation Scania makes high profits operating in more than 100 countries worldwide and employing 35,000 people worldwide. (Scania web, 2012) Analysis based on theories. According to the case study provided by Robins S and Jude T.A, the hierarchy did not work in most of the companies, but it is effective in case of Apple. Was that because Steve Jobs was a unique leader who could manage the whole company by his consistent innovative ideas? At the very beginning, Apple had a relatively flat and informal structure, but later on when Jobs was back into company in 1997, it was totally changed. If before the employees and managers gathered on Friday for a beer to discuss some issues and express their ideas and even complain, after the market became more saturated with competitors, Apple was focused on changing its structure to be able to compete, keep brand and control costs. Since than company improved and became a major part of the digital world. As a result of all these, the company’s plans and strategy was no longer discussed through the entire company and Jobs was the only generator of ideas proving the complete hierarchy. (Debra L. Nelson, James Campbell Quick, PH.D, 2011) Unlike Apple, Scania tens to rely less on hierarchy having a more flat company structure based on independent groups performances with the high concern on human factors and environmental issues. For example, Scania successfully uses the Sociothechnical systems theory where manager controls the environmental factors that influence the company’s internal operations and coordinates the social and technical subsystems. (Ricky W. Griffin, Gregory Moorhead, 2010) According to the Tannenbaum and Schmidt’s continuum theory of leadership behavior (1958, 1973) leaders should evaluate the situation before the implementation of a particular leadership styles. The continuum leadership behavior’s model theory is based on earlier studies focusing on the distinction of task versus employee or human orientations and demonstrates two types of leadership styles across the continuum: boss-centered (task) and subordinate-centered (relationship).( Borkowski, 2011). In the Apple’s situation, the decision maker or the decision ‘seller’ was Steve Jobs. During the all time when Jobs was the CEO of Apple, he was often called ‘dictator’ or ‘despot’. Jobs never asked anyone for feedback. However he could always instruct and simplify the capabilities of the complicated devices understandable only by its creators, he thought going around and asking his employees about the confusing functions of his product is useless. Instead, jobs played the device by, took notes of his reactions and considered it as the only necessary feedback required. (Leander Kahney, 2009) Whereas in Scania the entire company relies on customer feedback and development of stuff ideas so, if Apple has the structure where every single employee is responsible only for his part of job and has no chance to play any important role in making decisions, Scania has the structure there employees split into the groups brainstorm together on a certain idea or problem and together pick the optimal solutions. (Scania web, 2012) Based on all this we can assume that Apple is Boss-centered structured company and Scania is a more Subordinate-centered structured company. Figure 1.1 below demonstrates the locations of both Apple and Scania on a sample Continuum leadership behavior’s graph. According to the graph, where Apple is closely fitted in the total boss-centered area and Scania is fitted closer to the subordinate-centered area, the two companies are totally different in their structure and leadership, but at the same time both companies are successful and globally recognized and are in their maturity state today. In another words, Apple has an Autocratic leader, where he dictates and forces his employees or even threatens them to get the result his way, unlike Scania that has democratic leader who encourages participation in decision making and considers other’s feelings and seeks to satisfy most of parties.(Hungeryager and Heekman, 1967) Here comes the question: Despite the hierarchy and autocratic leadership in Apple and flat structured and democratic system in Scania, how come they both being so different be able to achieve goals having high employee performance? The best answer for this question would probably be the motivation which is present in both companies but caused by different factors. Humanity would not reach any level of development without the motivation. Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) introduced a theory focused on psychological need of employees divided into 5 levels forming a pyramid, and he believed that person needs all 5 to feel satisfied with his job. (Essentials of Management, 2009). Hierarchy: ‘Common, pyramid-like organization where one person is in charge of a functional area with one or more subordinates handling the sub-functions. In an hierarchical organization (whether business, military, political, or religious) higher levels imply greater superiority and domination than the lower ones, and the chain of command extends straight from the top to the bottom’. (Business Dictionary web, 2012) (Image extracted from While applying the following theory on Apple, it is obvious that the employees in the company are approximately on the 4th level depending on their job position. But in general, with the reputation that Apple has worldwide everyone would be proud to be employed by such a company and motivated by the financial aspect. In fact, the way the pyramid narrows towards up, the same way, the number of people with those facilities narrows down. Even in case of Scania, though the employees might be satisfied with their job and status, they might be also distracted by family or any other personal issues which could make them feel de-motivated. Adam’s Equity theory states that, employees attempt to achieve some equity between input and output, and if there is a difference between input and output, such as output less than input, the employees performance quality tends to be lower due to his/her job dissatisfaction. In another words, all contributions should be fairly rewarded. Going back t o Apple can assume that there is a perfect balance between output and input. Having high salary makes the employees feel right about not taking any part in making decisions; in fact they might feel more relaxed for not having big responsibilities. But in Scania, while taking part in discussions and decision making, employees feel more important, motivated but on the other hand they feel more responsibility pressure because in negative outcomes they all will have to share the loses. Looking at it more general, the only fact that might motivate the employees in both companies is the money. Due to the economic downturn which caused high rate of unemployment, the fact that one has a job, already makes him/her feel satisfied, but not for long. Once people get used to their job and salary they start getting bored and de-motivated. According to Guardian 2012, ‘many of those who worked for Apple, feels cut off from the real world, suspended in a cultural vacuum inside the walls of the company’. The lack of communication with cooperatives, socializing and team-working leads to employees’ dissatisfaction. To avoid such errors, Scania depending on foreign labor, in order to keep high productivity level, created a humanization program which was to apply a new group assembly approach. The program was all about team-work and group decisions called Saab-Scania. The groups consisted of 5-12 people and were given the power to make decisions within the given limits. Along with production groups Scania formed development groups each composed of foreman, industrial engineers and representatives. Such groups were responsible for innovating and developing the new working methods favorable for the employees. As a result, such team-working approach saved productivity time, increased products’ quality and raised job satisfaction of the employees, so since this experiment Scania finds its success in team-working structure. (A.. Rashid, 1982) Coming back to apple, one could only add, that high productivity and quality with the lack of team-working, is being reached only by having continues innovations and strong brand position, simply strong marketing. Further analyzing the case of apple we can add that, a huge multinational company where everyone is responsible only for his bit of work, simply being a tiny replaceable detail of a mechanism, and where the main responsibility is on CEO, team-working is not that important as long as the company’s goals are being reached. The Managerial Grid or the grid theory now called as Leadership theory of Blake and Mouton states that there are two types of managers: concern for production and concern for people , and the perfect manager would be the who could exhibits both people and production concern. The leadership grid is graded from 1 to 9 from both axes identifying 5 main types of leaders: country club management, team management, middle-of-the-road management, impoverished management and authority management. (Miller, 2012) The grid looks as follow: Relying on the leadership grid, we can assume that Apple with the autocratic approach and higher concern on production and lower on people, is classified as a company with the Authority-Compliance Management leadership and Scania, deserving to be placed on the other side of the grid is a company with Team-management leadership, having high concern on people rather than on production. The modern team system of Scania is highly relied on cluster managers. The cluster manager is the manager who has overall responsibility for the team consisting of 20-25 employees. Each cluster consists of people with different experience and skills and trained before becoming fully operative. Often there are also small temporary teams. Thought the cluster has a manager, the employees have the sense of belonging to a team and having major role in it. A centered team-working structure helps the company to keep strong Company-oriented company culture. ‘No one must be able to say that is not my concern, I am not responsible for that’ said the senior manager of the company. Although Apple cannot boast with its tem-work management Leadership as Scania, it motivates the employees providing the opportunity to get promoted from an intern into a manager. The trainings provided free by Apple itself makes the process much easier for the employees. In addition, small competitions such as answering the most difficult question of the customers are followed by rewards. Another important fact is that, Apple provides large job opportunity to young students employing them, full-time, part-time or making them student representatives at their schools. (Apple Inc.’s Ethical Success and Challenges web, 2011) Conclusion While summing it all but, it is right to mention that, while comparing the companies and analyzing their organizational behaviors the total difference of the companies has been identified. Apple is a multinational autocratic company having high concern on production and lower concern on people, despite this it is able to motivate the employees by rewards, bonuses and promotion opportunities demonstrating itself as a creative company challenging for innovations with the strong belief in its successful bright future and seeking for the genus employees from young generation, to take part in those innovations. The case of Apple has proved that, the employees are not pressurized by dictator, as it is expected in an Authority-Manager company, but inspired to work with such unique leaders. Scania, along with its rich Swedish culture totally relays on the team-working manager Leadership with the ability to balance both concern for people and production and giving the employees the chance to feel themselves part of a whole mechanism. The management in Scania believes that, every employee in the company despite the job position should feel the responsibility and share it with the collogues and feel that he/she does not work for someone, but works together with everyone. Fortunately, for Scania being further from hierarchy unlike Apple, adds advantages in terms of organizational behavior, proving the democratic structure of the company, whereas Apple proves to be really a unique company for being able to success with deep hierarchy in it. Recommendations Thought Apple is satisfied with its production and the company in whole, it should also pay attention to its employees by providing them some other activities to make them feel as a team. For example, Apple could create groups or teams responsible not for the main operations of the organization, but side operations or project such as charity, where the employees could take part in decision making process without the involvement of CEO. Another option for Apple could be organizing research teams with team leaders, as employees feel more motivated when they are committed in the changes. Because the managers in Scania are very multinational, the company should pay attention to cultural difference of the employees. It would be very relevant to educate the cluster managers in terms of culture of the other members of the team and than sent them to the Angers plant. Obviously the expansion of company by creating more teams in Scania is advantageous on one hand, but on the other hand it makes the company’s structure too sophisticated and too massive and moreover, adding a new cluster may reduce the space of other clusters. That is why Clusters should be added within the limitations, or smaller groups should be created as smaller groups make better performance and make faster decisions. References Buchanon D. Huczynsky A. (2010) Organizational behavior, 7th ed. Harlow: Pearson/FT Prentice Hall Oxford, 2009, Dictionary of Business and Management, Oxford University Press, 5th ed. New York Leander Kahney (2009). Inside Steves Brain. US: penguin Group Debra L. Nelson, James Campbell Quick (2011). Organizational Behavior: Science, the Real World, and You. PhD Ricky W. Griffin, Gregory Moorhead (2010). Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations. 10th ed. US: South-western Nancy Borkowski (2011). Organizational Behavior in Health Care. 2nd ed. LLC: Jones and Barlett Publishers Andrew Durbin (2009). Essentials of Management. US: South-western. Anwar Rashid (1982). organizational Behavior. 2nd ed. Canada: Methuen. 76-78 Katherine Miller (2012). Organizational Communication and Approaches and Processes. 6th ed. US: Wadsworth. M. A. Lusted (2012). Apple: The Company and its Visionary Founder, Steve Jobs. USA: ABDO. 9-22 A. Preston (2012). The Apple Revolution: Steve Jobs, the Counter Culture, and How the Crazy Ones Took Over the World by Luke Dormehl – review. Available: Last accessed 18th Dec 2012. Scania official web site. (2012). H istory. Available: Last accessed 22nd Dec 2012

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Terrorism In Pakistan Politics Essay

The Terrorism In Pakistan Politics Essay Land trembled followed by an ear deafening noise. Smoke and dust caused an unpleasant darkness, people were shouting and crying in pain, blood was everywhere. This was a dreadful scene of a bomb blast. Terrorism, you may have heard this word many times especially in recent years. So what is terrorism? What is its origin? How can it be defined? These are common questions which arise in a person mind when he hears word Terrorism. The word terrorism origins from the French word terrorisme.(Online etymology definition) Before I can explain terrorism in Pakistan I will try to establish what terrorism and terrorists are. Terrorism in simple words can be described as systematic use of terror to cause uneasiness in the society. Terrorism has no legally accepted criminal law definition. Common definitions of terrorism describe it as the violent acts carried out in order to cause dismay, and these acts based on religious, political or ideological goals as their motives. Definition of terrorism has proven to be a controversial matter. Many governments and states use their own legislating definition of terrorism which is different from other definitions due to colliding ideology. Many religious and social factions also have their own beliefs about it. Research has found about more than 100 definitions of terrorism. (Jeffrey Record, (2009). But there isnt even a single definition which is accepted by everyone. Some points differ in every definition of terrorism, yet there is one thing which is common in every definition as Walter Laquer said the only general characteristic of terrorism generally agreed upon is that terrorism involves violence and the threat of violence. (Centre for strategic and statistical studies) In this regard Angus Martyn said in Australian Parliament. The international community has never succeeded in developing an accepted comprehensive definition of terrorism. During the 1970s and 1980s, the United Nations attempts to define the term floundered mainly due to differences of opinion between various members about the use of violence in the context of conflicts over national liberation and  self-determination. Hence it can be concluded that there is no legitimate definition of terrorism accepted by everyone. What is a terrorist? In simple words a person who commits an act of terrorism is called terrorism. He may be a single person or a group of people sharing common ideals. There is a lot of controversy about it; it all comes down to how a person ideology allows him to see things. As David Hanny said One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.(David Hanny, 2005) I can easily correlate this argument with help of an example, when Soviet Russia attacked Afghanistan the resistance group was called Afghan Mujahedeen (Freedom fighters) by almost all the world. And after 20 years later when these men tried to fight off American forces to save their homeland, they were crowned as Taliban (A terrorist Group). A liberal person working for the betterment of the society may be called terrorist by some people while others may call him a patriot or statesman. An example would be Martin Luther King although he worked all his life for liberty of black people; he was called a terrorist by west media and politicians for a long portion of his life. Now I will try to establish some of the common type of terrorism types. Violent acts carried out in order to disturb the peace of society pertaining to cause disorder can be classified as civil terrorism. A common example of it can be target killing. Sometimes terrorists perform violent actions in order to achieve some political agenda; this can be labeled as political terrorism. Perpetrators of this type of terrorism have some political aim as their motive. Death sentence of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto is considered as political terrorism by some idealists. Sometimes terrorist will work as a lone wolf, he doesnt has any ideal or a political agenda behind it. He will just do it for fun; he doesnt even intend to cause uneasiness in the society nor is it his aim to destroy peace. Common example can be of a target killer. State terrorism is type of terrorism in which a nation will violate other nation right of freedom, invade it and continue to capture and rule it by fear. There is a lot of con troversy involved about what is in boundary of state terrorism and what is not. Some people consider American aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq to be state terrorism, while some consider this aggression to be justified on grounds of eradicating terrorists. Another controversial example of state terrorism will be of Israeli aggression on Palestinian home. It was strongly condemned by the Arab world but was supported by America. Many Muslim countries still hasnt accepted Israel and war still rages on. Yet there are some examples of state terrorism accepted by most of ideologies around the world. Indian reign of Jammu Kashmir is prime example of this kind of terrorism. Soviet Russian aggression on Afghanistan can also be placed into state terrorism. Religious terrorism is terrorism performed by a group or a single person, motivation of this type of terrorism is rooted in ethics and religious understanding of the group or individual. These types of terrorist acts have been perform ed since old time in order to enforce a system of belief. A religion cannot be necessarily held responsible for it; it all comes down to the understanding and interpretation of individual. Deadly operations such as 11 September World trade centre attack, London underground bombings and 2002 Bali Bombings are prime examples of this type of terrorism. (Sageman, Mark 2005) Bomb blasts, target killing, murders, and drone attacks unfortunately these topics are the headlines of news nowadays in Pakistan. Pakistan has been target of constant terrorist activities since its birth, it has been challenged by various group on basis of nationalism, religious segregation and political ideology. 1947 separation, 1971 civil war are biggest examples of this kind. Even today Pakistan is facing several distinct conflicts, both national and international. The annual death toll from recent terrorist attacks has risen from 164 in 2003 to 3318 in 2009, massing up to 35,000 Pakistanis being killed as of 2010. According to Government of Pakistan estimates the total economic damage caused by terrorism directly or indirectly masses up to 68 billion dollars. (Mohsin Hameed, 2011) These statistics gives us the idea of how gravely these terrorist activities are hurting Pakistan. Now I will try to narrow down the causes of terrorism. Unemployment is one of the biggest primordial of terrorism. Many people engage into terrorist activities because they dont have other means to realize their basic needs. Perpetrators approach these people and ask them to carry out their hideous missions in exchange for large sums of money. Sometimes these people have to comply to perpetrator demands because they have no alternate route to make money. Another big cause of terrorism is illiteracy and lack of awareness. Many people of tribal areas are tending to be brainwashed by terrorists because they lack education and awareness. These people then indulge into terrorist activities while believing that what they are doing is right. Exploiting religion is also one of causes of terrorism. Religious doctrine in our view is a justification for terrorist activities. Religious extremists are tending to indulge in terrorism because they are discontent with the political and economic status quo. Religious justifications are often combined wit h other, explicitly political, goals, such as nationalism or self-determination. (Martha chensaw, 2005). These religious extremists then make use of innocent people by brainwashing them, making use of false religion facts. Politics also causes terrorism in some form or other, target killing nowadays is comprised of political enviousness. These are the main causes which make up the roots of terrorism in Pakistan. Now I will try to illuminate about the effects of terrorism in Pakistan. Terrorism in itself causes the loss of life and money. It also has various other related effects which cause problems for Pakistan and its people. Terrorism directly or indirectly embodies fear into mind of the people. People tend to stay at homes and avoid public gatherings. It has changed the lifestyle of people mostly in big cities. People arent certain whether they will return from work alive or not. People are abandoning their homes in tribal areas where war against terrorism is being fought. Due to fear of terrorism foreigners are avoiding to visit Pakistan and it has drastically declined our tourism industry. Foreign companies hesitate to make investment in Pakistan. Pakistani Governments has made efforts towards ending terrorism in Pakistan. Pakistani army is at war against rebel groups in tribal areas. But is this enough? Government efforts to decrease target killing in Karachi and Baluchistan have all been in vain. What does this tell us? Government efforts most certainly arent enough to end terrorism. These efforts may have decreased terrorism but are tending to fail in the long run. If Governments efforts arent enough to end terrorism then what should be done about it? Everyone in the society has an obligation to eradicate terrorism. Government should hold seminars to spread awareness about terrorism. It needs to educate people of tribal areas and spread the true knowledge and spirit of Islam so that perpetrators cant exploit our beloved religion. It should provide adequate jobs to people so that people wont tend to indulge in criminal activities. Government needs to have talks with terrorist groups and try to talk them out of it. It should listen to their reasonable desires. Government should also make efforts to stop drone attacks. Killing innocent people of tribal areas cant be justified by labeling them terrorists. People whose loved ones are killed by these horrendous attacks wont stay silent. They will indulge in terrorist activities to take revenge for their loved ones. Violence begets violence. We cant stop violence using violence. Media also has a huge role to play if we want to end terrorism. Foreign Media blames Islam for terrorist activ ities, which is a blatant accuse. It is our media duty to prove the World that Islam is a religion of peace and harmony and strongly condemn terrorist acts. If Pakistani media is able to show the bright side of Islam and Muslims foreigners will stop hating us. This will break the cycle of hate and if we are able to break cycle of hate, terrorism will be uprooted from the world. Terrorism is a grave problem world is facing at the moment. We can end terrorism and eradicate the perpetrators with mutual understanding and harmony. It is everyones duty in the world despite which religion or faction you belong to make efforts towards ending it. All Globally conflicted issues should be dealt with dialogue and talk.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Free Euthanasia Essays: We Have the Right to Physician-Assisted Suicide :: Euthanasia Physician Assisted Suicide

We All Have the Right to Physician-Assisted Suicide Physician-assisted suicide presents one of the greatest dilemmas to the medical profession. Should someone who is mentally competent, but deemed terminally ill, be allowed the option of physician-assisted suicide? According to the First Amendment of The Constitution of The United States, "one hasthe freedom to petition the government for a redress of grievances." The Fourteenth Amendment states, "The Statecannot deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor deny any person within itsjurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." The group believes that a terminally ill patient has the Constitutionalright to decide whether or not to end his or her life with the help of a licensed medical doctor. There have been many cases overthe years where a terminally ill patient who is mentally competent has made the choice to either partake in physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia. Â   "Physician-assisted suicide occurs when the physician provides thepatient with the means and/or knowledge to commit suicide"(Death and Dying,91). "Euthanasia is when the physicianadministers the death causing drug or agent"(Death and Dying,92). The most recent case is that of The Stateof Florida v. Charles Hall. "Charles Hall is dying of AIDS and challenged the State of Florida to let him die bya self-administered lethal injection without fear of prosecution"( deathnet/open.html). On January31, 1997, a Judge ruled that Charles Hall could take his own life with the aid of a doctor. Senior Judge S. JosephDavis, brought in from Seminole County, "found that Florida's strict privacy law and the equal protection clause in theU.S. Constitution entitled Hall, 35, and Dr. McIver to carry out an assisted death without fear of prosecution" (Sun-Sentinel,1A). On February 11, 1997, Charles Hall's ruling was overturned by the Florida Supreme Court: he no longer hasthe right t o end his own life. He will have to wait until May 9, 1997 until new arguments will be heard. Hall, whohas been deemed mentally competent, contracted the virus in 1981 through a blood transfusion. "Some of the complicationshe is encountering from the AIDS virus are arthritis, hepatitis, pneumonia and a brain cyst" The Oregon Death with Dignity Act allows terminally ill adults who are mentally competentto ask for a prescription for medication "for the purpose of ending his or her life in a humane and dignified manner"( This act, "Measure 16," was approved by the voters in 1994.

Commercial Vices :: essays research papers

Commercial Vices   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The commercial vices are gambling, prostitution, and drugs. The appeals of the commercial vices are so strong and widespread that attempts to prohibit them in western countries have always failed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The evils of these vices are threefold: Those who practice them suffer, the criminals who sell them prosper, and the enforcement organizations are expensive, unsuccessful, and often corrupt.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Two commercial vices have been accepted as unstoppable, but there evils have been minimized by legalization and regulation. These are the particular drug, alcohol, and gambling. Ethyl alcohol, the drug in beer, whiskey, and wine does more harm is causing accidents, overdose deaths, job failures, broken homes, and violence than all other drugs combined.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The United States attempted to prohibit alcohol and failed. The Mafia made its money by bootlegging alcohol. The gangsters of the twenties and thiries were in the alcohol business just as the drug peddlers of today are in the drug business. Both settled trade disputes with gun fire. When alcohol prohibition was repealed and sale by licensed dealers was instituted, the Mafia went out of the liquor business and the revenue agents assigned to stop the illegal business went out of business too. The quality of regulated liquor became assured and taxed, not high enough to motivate bootlegging, became a source of public revenue. Consumption of legal alcohol became only slightly greater than the consumption of illegal alcohol had been.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If we follow the alcohol example with all other drugs, the benefits will obtain. Much more than that, the temptation of the forbidden fruits will disappear. The jailing of petty drug pushers will stop, together with their training as future serious criminals in the crime schools which are jails. If we transfer the huge sums wasted on efforts and on punishment to serious education and rehabilitation programs, the drug problem will retreat to the trivial level it was fifty years ago.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At one time all but private gambling at home was illegal. So the Mafia ran the numbers rackets and secret games and the bookmaking where law abiding citizens did their unstoppable gambling. Now governments run lotteries and license and supervise casinos so the gangsters are largely out, cheating in minimal, and governments earn revenue instead of paying police.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Prostitution is an even more emotional problem. Addiction to sex is genetic, permanent, and deprivation has many more penalties. Prostitution is the worlds oldest profession. Here, again, legalization and regulation in Nevada was already eliminated the pimps and gangsters and reduce the police

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Growing Up With Greek Literature Essay -- Greece Mythology Essays

Growing Up With Greek Literature Say â€Å"Greek Tragedy† to an English major and you’re likely to elicit a groan, or even perhaps a screech of terror. For me however, Greek tragedy, as well as Greek mythology, has always fascinated me. When I was younger, the Greek God’s always captured my interest, and I could never get enough of them. As I grew older, I became interested in the more refined aspects that Greek literature had to offer. Sophocles and The Three Theban Plays in particular, left me awestruck. I quickly began to realize that many of the new and inventive books and movies I had seen, had actually been written in one form or another, generations ago. I suppose my interest was first piqued when my father brought home the movie Hercules in the early 80’s. As a young boy, I was entranced by the idea of a god-like man, with superhuman powers, doing remarkable things on earth. Of course, my knowledge of Greek gods and goddesses was limited, but watching Hercules fight mythical creatures and perform heroic acts was all it took to get my young mind interested. While other kids read comic books about Superman and Spiderman, I delved into the world of Greek mythology. I was entranced by the idea that people believed that god’s actually played a first hand role in people’s lives. Unlike superheroes in the comic books, which I knew from an early age didn’t really exist, these Greek god’s were an everyday way of life centuries ago. Although I didn’t think they were real, it fascinated me that others did. Thus began my journey into the Greek culture. Of course, as a kid, I was mainly interested in fantastic stories of god’s with superhuman powers who either helped mankind, or fought against them in some form or ano... ...mocracy, Pericles was a great leader who was eventually impeached. Oedipus life, while being much more tragic then Pericles, made sense to me finally. The democratic themes presented by the chorus began to take on new meaning, and I had an entirely new perspective on the plays. An awakened mind is wondrous thing. Although I was fascinated by Greek mythology and literature as a young kid, I never understood the complexity involved in them until entering college. Perhaps it was maturity, or a well rounded education that opened my eyes to the reality that Greek literature is designed not only to tell a story, but to open the hearts and minds of the reader. Like a fine wine, Greek literature only gets better with time. The next time someone mentions the subject, instead of groaning, ask what they thought of it, and you may just be step into a whole new reality. Growing Up With Greek Literature Essay -- Greece Mythology Essays Growing Up With Greek Literature Say â€Å"Greek Tragedy† to an English major and you’re likely to elicit a groan, or even perhaps a screech of terror. For me however, Greek tragedy, as well as Greek mythology, has always fascinated me. When I was younger, the Greek God’s always captured my interest, and I could never get enough of them. As I grew older, I became interested in the more refined aspects that Greek literature had to offer. Sophocles and The Three Theban Plays in particular, left me awestruck. I quickly began to realize that many of the new and inventive books and movies I had seen, had actually been written in one form or another, generations ago. I suppose my interest was first piqued when my father brought home the movie Hercules in the early 80’s. As a young boy, I was entranced by the idea of a god-like man, with superhuman powers, doing remarkable things on earth. Of course, my knowledge of Greek gods and goddesses was limited, but watching Hercules fight mythical creatures and perform heroic acts was all it took to get my young mind interested. While other kids read comic books about Superman and Spiderman, I delved into the world of Greek mythology. I was entranced by the idea that people believed that god’s actually played a first hand role in people’s lives. Unlike superheroes in the comic books, which I knew from an early age didn’t really exist, these Greek god’s were an everyday way of life centuries ago. Although I didn’t think they were real, it fascinated me that others did. Thus began my journey into the Greek culture. Of course, as a kid, I was mainly interested in fantastic stories of god’s with superhuman powers who either helped mankind, or fought against them in some form or ano... ...mocracy, Pericles was a great leader who was eventually impeached. Oedipus life, while being much more tragic then Pericles, made sense to me finally. The democratic themes presented by the chorus began to take on new meaning, and I had an entirely new perspective on the plays. An awakened mind is wondrous thing. Although I was fascinated by Greek mythology and literature as a young kid, I never understood the complexity involved in them until entering college. Perhaps it was maturity, or a well rounded education that opened my eyes to the reality that Greek literature is designed not only to tell a story, but to open the hearts and minds of the reader. Like a fine wine, Greek literature only gets better with time. The next time someone mentions the subject, instead of groaning, ask what they thought of it, and you may just be step into a whole new reality.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Prevention Postoperative Vision Loss Study Health And Social Care Essay

Postoperative ocular loss ( POVL ) after non-ocular surgery is a rare, but lay waste toing complication that has been associated legion types of surgeries and patient hazard factors. Stoelting and Miller ( 2007 ) estimate the incidence of POVL from 1 in 60,965 to 1 in 125,234 for patients undergoing noncardiac, nonocular surgeries, from 0.06 % to 0.113 % in cardiac surgery patients with cardiorespiratory beltway and 0.09 % of prone spinal column surgeries. The demand to understand the causes of POVL and the preventive steps that can be taken to decrease the likeliness of vision loss happening are deductions for anaesthesia suppliers and patients likewise. Consequences of POVL non merely affect the enfeebling impact on the patient ‘s quality of life, but besides the legion medical and legal branchings for the anaesthesia suppliers. Although POVL is considered a comparatively uncommon complication, the demand to understand the frequence of POVL and related hazards and causes are of import issues. In 1999, the American Society of Anesthesiologists ‘ ( ASA ) Committee on Professional Liability established the ASA Postoperative Visual Loss Registry to better understand the job ( Stoelting & A ; Miller ) . Reports of loss of vision have occurred after assorted non-ocular related surgical processs. Some illustrations of these are cardiorespiratory beltway, spinal surgery, hip arthroplasty, abdominal processs, craniotomies and processs of the caput and cervix ( Morgan, Mikhail & A ; Murray, 2006 ) . The three recognized causes of postoperative ocular loss are ischaemic ocular neuropathy ( ION ) either anterior ( AION ) or posterior ( PION ) , cardinal retinal arteria occlusion ( CRAO ) , cardinal retinal vena occlusion ( CRVO ) and cortical sightlessness. Ischemic ocular neuropathy is the most often cited cause of postoperative ocular loss following general anaesthesia with cardinal retinal arteria occlusion from direct retinal force per unit area as a lesser cause. ( Stoelting & A ; Miller, 2007 ) . Factors that have been identified as possible perioperative factors for ION include drawn-out hypotension, extended continuance of surgery, prone placement, inordinate blood loss, unneeded crystalloid usage, anaemia, and increased intraocular force per unit area from prone placement. Patient related hazard factors associated with ION include diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, morbid fleshiness, coronary artery disease, and smoke. ( Stoelting & A ; Miller, 2007 ) . Literature Review Several retrospective surveies have examined the natural history of POVL after nonocular surgery in an effort to place patients at hazard for POVL and cut down surgical hazard factors. The first, from 1996, Roth, Thisted, Erickson, Black, and Schreider reviewed oculus hurts in 60,985 patients undergoing anaesthesia between 1988 and 1992. The overall incidence of oculus hurt in this survey was 0.56 % . Duration of anaesthesia was found to be an independent hazard factor for oculus hurt. The hazard was further increased with general anaesthesia and endotracheal cannulation and in patients undergoing surgery of the caput or cervix. The bulk of the patients with oculus hurts had corneal scratchs or pinkeye. Merely one patient was found to hold POVL as a consequence of ION. This patient underwent lumbar spinal merger and the writers noted that calculated hypotension and hemodilution were used. In 1997, Stevens, Glazer, Kelley, Lietman and Bradford focused on ophthalmic complications specifically after spinal surgery. Of 3450 spinal column surgeries that the writers reviewed, seven ( 0.2 % ) instances of ocular loss were identified. Four ( 57 % ) of the seven patients suffered ION of which three had PION. Two of the seven patients had occipital infarcts, both of which were embolic. The 7th patient had a CRVO without associated periorbital hydrops or force per unit area mortification. The surgical times ranged from 3-8 hours in these patients. The estimated blood loss ranged from minimum to 8.5 litres. A 3rd survey, besides conducted in 1997, by Myers, Hamilton, Bogoosia, Smith and Wagner, collected patients by beging studies from the Scoliosis Research Study of POVL after spinal surgery every bit good as 10 good documented instances from the spinal literature. They found that longer surgical times and important blood loss were positively correlated with POVL. However, the haematocrit and blood force per unit area degrees were no different than in age matched controls without POVL. Twenty-three of the 37 ( 62.2 % ) patients had ION, 9 ( 24.3 % ) had CRAO, 3 ( 8.1 % ) had occipital infarcts and the staying three did non hold clear diagnosings. The writers concluded that reduced blood force per unit area is by and large good tolerated by patients, but that consideration should be given to set uping a minimal systolic blood force per unit area for each patient. In add-on, the writers recommended presenting long processs and protecting oculus place. More late the American Society of Anesthesiologists POVL register analyzed 93 instances of POVL happening after spinal surgery. The instances were collected via voluntary entry from1999 through June 2005. Eighty three ( 89.2 % ) of the patients had ION and the staying 10 ( 10.8 % ) patients had CRAO. All of the patients were placed prone. Surgical clip exceeded 6 hours in 94 % of the instances. In 34 % of instances the average arterial force per unit area or systolic blood force per unit area ( SBP ) was reduced to 40 % or more below baseline. The average haematocrit was 26 % with 82 % of patients losing one or more litres of blood. All of the patients with CRAO used head restraints alternatively of Mayfield pins and were somewhat younger than the ION patients ( 46 vs. 50 old ages ) . In add-on, 66 % of the ION patients had bilateral ocular loss and none of the CRAO patients did. Ipsilateral periocular injury was more often seen in the CRAO patients ( 70 % vs. 1 % ) than in ION patie nts. They once more identified the hazard of prone placement, blood loss and long surgical times. However, they were unable to definitively delegate a function to hypotension in POVL ( Lee, Roth, Posner, Cheney & A ; Caplan, 2006 ) . Another survey examined the published instance studies of ION after spinal surgery in the prone place. The writers found that PION was more often reported than AION ( n = 17 vs. n = 5 ) .3 In the bulk of the instances, some degree of hypotension and anaemia was reported. However, the writers note that the degree of blood force per unit area and anaemia sustained by these patients would be considered acceptable in most anesthesia patterns. Furthermore, the writers observed that average surgical clip was over 7.5 hours. Strategies the writers suggested to avoid postoperative ION included careful usage of deliberate hypotension tailored to the patient ‘s hazard degree and theatrical production of long, complex processs ( Ho, Newman, Song, Ksiazek & A ; Roth, 2005 ) . Case Study A 62 twelvemonth old male was scheduled for a three degree lumbosacral laminectomy and diskectomy ( L2 through L4 ) . He had a history of high blood pressure, fleshiness, stomachic reflux disease, myocardial infarction 5 old ages antecedently with two stents placed in the LAD, and a 50-pack-year smoke history. The patient had a surgical history of bilateral carpal tunnel release and ventral hernia fix with mesh. No old anaesthetic complications were noted. Current medicines included omeprazole, and Lopressor. He had no known drug allergic reactions. The patient ‘s physical scrutiny revealed an afebrile patient, pulse 67, respirations 16, blood force per unit area 162/92, SpO2 of 95 % on room air. The patient ‘s general visual aspect was a reasonably corpulent adult male in no evident hurt. Airway appraisal revealed a category 2 Malampatti, natural teething and normal cervix scope of gesture. Laboratory findings were hemoglobin 14.4 and hematocrit 40 % . All other haematol ogy, curdling profiles were normal. EKG was normal sinus beat and Chest X ray was normal. The patient underwent a criterions initiation and cannulation. He was turned prone, appendages were good padded and airing and critical marks were satisfactory. The process lasted for 3 hours and during a period of moderate blood loss, the patient had a period of hypotension enduring for about seven proceedingss. His blood force per unit area averaged 95/55 for about 30 proceedingss and for five proceedingss blood force per unit area averaged 80/45. Fluid resuscitation totaled 3 litres of crystalloid. Estimated blood loss was 550ml with a postoperative haematocrit of 29 % . On waking up, the patient did non exhibit any marks of orbital hydrops or POVL. The patient stated that vision was present in both eyes and his neurologic scrutiny was normal. Schemes for bar of POVL ION is the most common cause of POVL and may be designated as anterior ( AION ) or posterior ( PION ) depending on the location of the ocular nervus lesion. Ocular loss of AION is due to infarction at watershed zones within the ciliary arterias of the choroid bed of the ocular disc which flows into the choriocapillaris. The choriocapillaris is an end-arterial circulation with small transverse circulation and may be prone to ischemia. The posterior ocular nervus is served by subdivisions of the ocular arteria and the cardinal retinal arteria ; blood flow to the posterior ocular nervus is significantly less than the anterior ocular nervus ( Lee, et Al, 2006 ) . Many interventions have been attempted to change by reversal POVL, including anticoagulation, antiplatelet therapy, retrobulbar steroid injections, norepinepherine extracts ( to better perfusion force per unit area ) , diphenylhydantoin, osmotic water pills, blood replacing, carbonaceous anhydrase inhibitors, steroids and ocular nervus decompression. The most common forecast of POVL is small return of ocular map ( Lee, et al 2006 ) . ION should be suspected if a patient complains of painless ocular loss during the first postoperative hebdomad and may be noticed foremost on rousing from slumber, when intraocular force per unit area is highest. Pressing opthamologic audience should be sought to analyze the patient comprehensively, set up the diagnosing, and urge farther rating and therapy. Even though forecast tends to be hapless, prompt intervention may be the lone opportunity at retrieving vision ( Ho, Newman, Song, Ksiazek, & A ; Roth, 2005 ) . Obvious turning away of force per unit area on the oculus is a primary scheme to avoid ION. However, POVL has been noted in patients besides in the supine place. Current anaesthesia supplier instruction refering turning away of compaction of a patient ‘s eyes has made it a rare intraoperative event. Possibly nore good is keeping acceptable blood force per unit area and haematocrit, particularly in patients with multiple hazard factors. More than one-half of the patients entered in the ASA POVL database were positioned prone and were noted as holding important facial puffiness. When associated with systemic hypotension, optic perfusion force per unit area is diminished. Decreased haematocrit in the presence of other hazard factors seems to patients at hazard for ocular loss. Induced hypotension and hemodilution during prone spinal column instances should be avoided when patients have risk factors for POVL ( Lee, et Al, 2006 ) .

Friday, August 16, 2019

Agents of Socialization Essay

The way a person develops and forms his/her unique personality, norms and beliefs in socialization. Socialization is the process in which an individual learns to participate in a group, it’s obvious that different people will be different because not every person is raised under the exact circumstances. Many agents influence the way a person develops. Some of the most predominant factors are the family the person is raised is, where they the person is educated, like school or home- school, the peer group the individual belongs to and all types of media the person is exposed to. In this essay I will discuss how these agents affected me when I was growing up and how they still affect me. The biggest agent that affected me was my family. When I was little, my family taught me a lot of the things I know today, without these essentials. Things like being polite and table etiquette. If I was raised by another family, one which didn’t pay attention to manners, I would have gro wn up to be a lot different. I would have been a savage person and might not have been able to fit it because I would have been rude and impolite. To this day, my family still contribute to how I grow up to be, by encouraging me and helping me when I need help. When children are going up, they go through stages where they develop how to trust and depend on people, If they do not pass that stage or stay in it too long they would wind up being insecure when they grow up and they won’t trust people. This is why I think the family is the most important agent of socialization because it basically determines how a person will grow up being from the very beginning, more so than the other agents. The next agents which I think is worth writing about next is peer group socialization. My circle of friends, or my peer groups are some of the people that I’ve known since I started school. I’ve known them for years and years. My peer group has taught me things I wouldn’t have been able to learn on my own, like how to make new friends, being a good team player and just being able to do something cooperatively with s omeone else. My peer group also helped me shape my personality and how I behave. Because most of my friends are well behaved, I grew up not being mischievous and naughty because I didn’t see my group of friends doing that so there was no reason that I should. Other circles of friends that I have also shaped my outlook on life by giving me different points of view and new ways of looking at and dealing with issues. Without my socialization with peer groups I wouldn’t have had anyone to look up to and say this is good or bad, I would just end up copying everything my family does which would just make me old fashioned. The next agent of socialization which relates to the last agents is where I’m educated. I go to a normal school like most of the people I know. Going to a normal school, and interacting with people of all ages and seniority levels, like teachers, principals and matrons has helped me develop my socialization skills by talking to a wide variety of people and not just interacting with a few people like people who are home-schooled. People who are home-schooled definitely aren’t as socialized as people who go to school every day are because they don’t speak to a lot of people, so most of them tend to be socially awkward. There’s also the aspect of how schools have rules and regulations that students have to abide by life dress code, the concept of due dates and how and when to speak. Rules like these are what made me socialized and civilized. If I was home-schooled instead, I would have been an outcast because I didn’t act like everyone else did. Then of course there’s the aspect that some people don’t even go to school, so they aren’t socialized at all because interact with others. If you were to talk with someone who didn’t go to school, you would instantly notice how different he is. The last agent of socialization is the media the person is exposed to, I personally don’t think I was affected by media at all. Media didn’t have a big impact on me when I was growing up, I did however learn a lot of things from watching movies like how to act when I’m in different places and situations. Media has also affected my judgment of who to look up to as a role model. When I think of someone who wasn’t exposed to media while he was growing up, I don’t imagine he would be different from everybody else. He would just have difficulty fitting in because most of the subjects people talk about are about media and entertainment, but in the end it wouldn’t be too bad. As you can see from the order in which I have the agents in, I believe that the family had the most impact on me while I was growing up, followed by the peer group he belongs to, followed by where he is educated and then lastly followed by mass media and entertainment. The change and variety of each of these four agents is what leads to people having different personalities, values, norms and social interactions. These four agents could be considered the pillars of socialization because without them an individual wouldn’t fit in with society and would just act strange compared to other people.