Saturday, January 25, 2020

Skew Detection of Devanagari Script Using Pixels

Skew Detection of Devanagari Script Using Pixels Skew Detection of Devanagari Script Using Pixels of Axes-Parallel Rectangle and Linear Regression Trupti A. Jundale Ravindra S. Hegadi Abstract—Skew detection and correction of handwritten data is one of the difficult tasks in pattern recognition area. Here we illustrate the method for skew detection and correction of Devanagari handwritten script. The proposed approach works for single skew. The input images for this research are collected from various writers and contain single/uniform skew words/lines. The proposed approach uses tangential pixels of axes parallel rectangle and linear regression method to calculate the skew of word/line. Finally rotation transformation is used for correction of skew of word/line which is calculated by linear regression. This technique achieves 89% accuracy to correct skew of word and achieves 93% accuracy to correct skew of line for handwritten Devanagari script. Index Terms—Preprocessing, Axes-parallel rectangle, Linear Regression, Skew detection, Skew correction I. Introduction The frequency of digital document extends to develop at a brisk rate in spite of the usage of paper based documents. As a result, the renovation of paper documents to its electronic version and its consequent image processing and understanding have been converted into a vital application area in computer vision and pattern recognition researches. With recent emergence and widespread application of multimedia technologies, there is an increasing demand to create a paperless environment, hence, document image processing in general and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) in particular is playing an important role in transformation of the traditional paper based environment to truly paperless electronic environment[3]. Devanagari is one of the mainly used and espouses writing system in the world. The national/official language of India (Hindi) and Nepal (Nepali) uses Devanagari Script. Many other languages like Marathi (state language of Maharashtra), Sanskrit, Kashmiri, Bhojpuri, Maithili, Bodo, Dogri etc. comes under Devanagari Script. As India’s national language uses Devanagari script, lot of official data is in written format before the era of digitization. So in the today’s world of digitization, it is needed to keep record of handwritten/printed data in digital form. To make this, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) system is carried out. The detection and correction of skew is one of the essential steps in any character recognition or document processing system. Because of the writing genre of the Devanagari script, it is difficult to detect skew as compared to any other script. The writing style of every person may vary so there is presence of multiple skew in data. Skew is t he angle which diverges from x-axis. The successful skew detection and correction turns next process like analysis of character or OCR to be accurate. The document may contain three type of skew: single/uniform skew, multiple skew and non-uniform skew. Single/uniform skew is, when all text lines in a document have same orientation. Multiple skew is, when some text lines have different orientation than other and non-uniform skew is, when orientation changes within a line. There is lot of research available for skew detection of scanned document image but less work is available for skew detection of text/word. II. Devanagari script One of the main parts of Brahmic family is a Devanagari Script, which is belonging from Indo-Aryan languages. It is written from left to right. Unlike Latin script, concept of upper/lower case is absent in Devanagari script. It consists of 33 consonants and 14 vowels. Generally every word written in most of the Devanagari Script will have a header line on group of characters, called as ‘Shirorekha’ and this is considered as one word [7]. Vowels that can be written as separate characters or by using diacritic marks on below, upper, before or after consonants are called modifiers. In Devanagari script, two or three consonants can be written as a single character, which is known as compound character. Fig.1 shows different features of Devanagari script. Fig. 1. Devanagari Script Word The main characters of word are written in middle zone. Upper zone and lower zone are for modifiers and Shirorekha is drawn at header line. In Fig.1 two characters are combined to form a new shape of single character known as compound character. III. Related Work In the literature, algorithms that estimate the angle at which a text/document image is rotated are surveyed. The broad classes of technique are identified, which include methods that calculate skew from Hough transform, horizontal projection profile, Fourier transform, nearest-neighbour or principal component analysis. The basic method used by each class of technique is presented and the contributions of individual algorithms within each class are discussed. Hough Transform: One of the best feature extraction technique used in digital image processing and computer vision is Hough Transform. It is mainly used for detection of regular curves such as lines, ellipses, circles etc. The simplest case of Hough transform is the linear transform for detecting straight lines. The line in the image space is just a single point in the parameter space. [1] uses Hough transform method for detection of document skew. A novel skew correction algorithm is proposed focusing on boundary line that optimizes speed and accuracy by using Hough transform to get the skew corrected licences plate images in [2]. Fourier Transform: In this method first 2-D Fourier transform will be applied to the image plane. Then, coefficients of the power spectrum are calculated and stored in a spectrum. A directional criterion for each angle is then calculated. The angle that maximizes the directional criterion is assumed to give the skew angle of the image. Projection Profile: Projection Profile can be a horizontal projection profile or vertical projection profile. The horizontal/vertical projection profile is a histogram of the number of black pixels along horizontal/vertical scan lines. In projection profiles, histogram is created at each possible angle and a ‘cost function’ is applied to this histogram. The skew angle is the angle at which this cost function is maximized. Mostly horizontal projection profile method is used for scanned document skew detection. [6] exploits the unique property of the writing line of Arabic script and is based on connected component analysis and projection profiles. Skew detection of fabric images scheme based on morphological method and projection profile analysis is proposed in [8]. Nearest Neighbour: In Nearest Neighbour method histogram of the direction angle is computed. [5] uses a Focused Nearest Neighbour Clustering (FNNC) of interest points and the analysis of paragraphs/lines. Chains with a largest possible number of nearest neighbour pairs are selected and their slopes are computed to give the skew angle of document image. Other than these techniques, one-step skew and orientation detection method using a well-established geometric text-line model is used in [11]. The advantage of this method is that it combines accurate skew estimation with robust, resolution-independent orientation detection. [12] proposed a Rectangular Active Contour Model (RAC Model) for content region detection and skew angle calculation by imposing a rectangular shape constraint on the zero-level set in Chain-Vese Model (C-V Model) according to the rectangular feature of content regions in document images. B. V. Dhandra, [13] uses image dilation and region labelling approach for binary document skew detection. Apart from this, fast and robust skew estimation techniques like a bilinear filtering model which is used to detect edges existing in the document, COG (Centre of Gravity) method are used in the literature. IV. Proposed Methodology This section illustrates the proposed methodology for skew detection and correction. Section A describes pre-processing step. Section B describes extraction of axes parallel rectangle pixels. Skew detection using linear regression is described in C. Section D describes skew correction technique and last section E describes steps of proposed algorithm. A. Pre-processing The input to the system is a word or a line of single/uniform skew of handwritten Devanagari script which is scanned by optical scanner or captured by digital camera. Acquired input is pre-processed for removing noise. Firstly input image is converted into gray scale image and then thresholding is applied over for converting given image into binary image containing only black and white pixels. In this binarized image, white pixels represent background and black pixels represent foreground. B. Axes-Parallel Rectangle This stage calculates the area of axes-parallel rectangle. The angle with the least area of the axes-parallel rectangle represents the skew angle. Outer tangential pixels of an input word/line are used to form an axes-parallel rectangle. Figure 2 shows tangential pixels of skewed one are embedded into an axes-parallel rectangle. Fig. 2 (a) Skewed rectangle fitted in an Axes-parallel rectangle (b) Rectangle with zero skew. C. Skew Detection After getting required pixels using axes-parallel rectangle, linear regression formula is used to detect skew of word/line. Regression analysis can be used to identify the line or curve which provides the best fit through a set of data points. Linear regression analyzes the relation between two variables, X and Y. The variables X and Y are known and the problem is to fit best straight line through X and Y. In general, the goal of linear regression is to find the line that best predicts Y from X. Linear regression does this by finding the line that minimizes the sum of the squares of the vertical distances of the points from line. Linear regression does not test whether the data are linear. It assumes that the data is linear, and finds the slope and intercept that make a straight line best fit the given data. The goal of linear regression is to adjust the values of slope and intercept to find the line that best predicts Y from X. Fig. 3 (a) Plot of data without best-fit line (b) Plot of data with best-fit line. This is the simple linear regression model where à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¢0 and à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¢1 are unknown constants and à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¥ is the residual error. To fit the regression line in the equation of the data (x1, y1), (x2, y2),..,(xn, yn) by finding best match between the line and the data. The best choice of à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¢0+à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¢1 will be chosen to minimize, This is called the least square fit. The equation (2) implies à ¯Ã†â€™Ã¢â‚¬ º After little algebra, get where and (4) Equation (3) gives slope of the regression line and Equation (4) gives the intercept. The slope of the line is nothing but the skew angle of our word/line. Fig.4 shows the slope and intercept of a best fit line. Fig. 4 Slope and intercept of a best fit line After calculating slope using linear regression, skew is calculated using the formula, This gives the required skew of word. D. Skew Correction After the skew angle of the word/line has been detected, the word/line must be rotated in order to correct this skew. Various methods used for skew correction are direct method, indirect method and contour-oriented method etc. The direct method uses rotation transformation in which corresponding pixels in the input image will be transformed to new location by using equation (1) (5) Where (x, y) are the co-ordinates of pixels belonging to the word for which skew has to be detected and (x’, y’) are the co-ordinates of pixels belonging to the word after correction. For a pixel (x’, y’) in the output image, the indirect method finds corresponding pixel in the input image and assigns a value of (x’, y’) to (x, y) using Equation (2). (6) We apply direct method for skew correction which simply rotate calculated skew angle to horizontal angle. The detected angle by linear regression is corrected by applying rotation transformation. The word/line is rotated with ÃŽ ¸ angle. The word/line is corrected by rotating at positive angle if the skew detection angle is negative and corrected by rotating at negative angle if skew detection angle is positive. E. Algorithm Step 1: Accept the input image which may be word or line. Step 2: Convert the given input into binary by using thresholding method. Step 3: Calculate the axes-parallel rectangle of binary image by finding minimum row and minimum column pixels. Step 4: Apply linear regression, Equation (3), to detect the skew of axes-parallel rectangle, which is the skew of original word/line. Step 5: Using Equation (6), correct the skew angle of word/line. V. Experimental Result We tested our algorithm for input images of handwritten document for Hindi and Marathi languages. The algorithm is tested on 500 words and 300 lines of Devanagari script. The accuracy rate for skew correction of word is 89% and accuracy rate for uniform skew correction of line is 93%.Mostly the word with single character or small size length does not give accurate result because of the lack of a sufficient number of minima points. Table I shows the sample results of words with skew detection of positive and negative angle and skew correction of all these. Results of word skew Figure 5 shows skew detection and correction of uniform skew line. We tested our algorithm for document with single/uniform skew and for skewed printed document also. For these kinds of input images, algorithm runs successfully. VI. Conclusion We have proposed a methodology for skew detection and correction of word and line of handwritten Devanagari script. The slope of best line fit using linear regression algorithm is used for skew detection and it is corrected by simply rotating word/line by calculated angle. This method is tested on handwritten data of Hindi and Marathi language. The word dataset is collected from various writers for testing purpose which contains 500 words and 300 lines. The proposed approach can be modified for future work to get higher accuracy and for detection of documents contain multiple or non-uniform skew text. Fig. 5 (a) Skewed line (b) Axes-parallel rectangle of skewed line (c) Skew correction of line VII. References Deepak Kumar, Dalwinder Singh, â€Å"Modified approach of Hough transform for skew detection and correction in documented images†, International Journal of Research in Computer Science, Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp. 37-40, April 2012. Arulmozhi K., Perumal S. A., Priyadarshini C.S.T., Nallaperumal K., â€Å"Image refinement using skew angle detection and correction for Indian licences plates†, Computational Intelligence Computing Research (ICCIC), IEEE, pp. 1-4, Dec. 2012. B.V.Dhandra, H.Mallikarjun, Ravindra Hegadi, V.S.Malemath, â€Å"Word-wise Script Identification from Bilingual Documents Based on Morphological Reconstruction†, Visual Information Engineering, IEEE, pp 389-395, 2006. Kleber, Florian, Markus Diem, Robert Sablatnig, Robust Skew Estimation of Handwritten and Printed Documents Based on Grayvalue Images, International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pp. 3020 – 3025, Aug. 2014. Ahmad Irfan, A Technique for Skew Detection of Printed Arabic Documents, Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization (CGIV), IEEE, pp. 62-67, Aug. 2013. Trupti A. Jundale, Ravindra S. Hegadi, â€Å"Skew Detection and Correction of Devanagari Script Using Hough Transform†, International Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies and Applications, Procedia of Computer Science, Journal of Elsevier, March2015, in press. Liu, Zhoufeng, Jie Huang, Chunlei Li, Skew detection of fabric images based on edge detection and projection profile analysis, Foundations of Intelligent Systems, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Vol. 122, pp 483-488, 2012. H. K. Kwag, S. H. Kim, S. H. Jeony and G. S. Lee, â€Å"Efficient skew estimation and correction algorithm for document images†, Image and vision Computing, Vol. 20, pp. 25-35, Jan. 2002. van Beusekom, Joost, Faisal Shafait, and Thomas M. Breuel, Combined orientation and skew detection using geometric text-line modeling, International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), Vol. 13, Issue 2, pp 79-92, June 2010. Fan, Huijie, Linlin Zhu, and Yandong Tang, Skew detection in document images based on rectangular active contour, International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), Vol. 13.4, pp 261-269, Dec. 2010. B. V. Dhandra, V. S. Malemath, H. Mallikarjun and R. Hegadi, â€Å"Skew detection in binary image documents based on image dilation and region labelling approach† International Conference on Pattern Recognition, IEEE, Vol. 2. pp 954-957, 2006.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Land Degradation and Global Warming Essay

Our planet has experienced many changes in its climate from day 1 of creation up to the present. Today, we are faced with issues concerning global warming or the average increase of temperature of Earth’s atmosphere. What causes global warming leads researchers to identify natural conditions and manmade activities that cause this phenomenon (U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2008). Land degradation is being eyed as one of the contributing factors of global warming. By definition, it is the loss of the land productivity that could be permanently or temporarily (Stocking & Murnagham, 2000). Literature Review Land degradation has been a problem for a long time. Researches are done in order to find out the most applicable solution to the affected areas. Michael Stocking and Niamh Murnaghan, in 2000, had published â€Å"Land Degradation: Guidelines for Field Assessment. † This publication consists of 8 chapters. The authors have focus on the following areas: farmers’ perspective on land degradation, definition and causes, effects and consequences to land users, soil loss, effects to production, indicators of land degradation, and the benefits of conservation. Agencies such as the Canadian International Development Agency or CIDA, the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the United Nations have promoted their awareness programs regarding land degradation and global warming. With the help of these agencies, people are gaining information about the effects of natural events and some human activities to the environment. Methodology This research is mainly based on information, researches, and readings from the Internet. I have chosen Web sites from reliable agencies such as U. S. EPA, CIDA, and the United Nations in order to acquire information about land degradation and global warming. Since the Internet is also known as the information superhighway, these agencies are successful in spreading their researches and making the public aware of the increasing effect of global warming to our environment. Data Analysis California is just one of the States that promotes rainforest conservation to lessen the effect of global warming by reducing emissions from deforestation and land degradation or REDD. REDD is an state-to-state sub-national agreement that aims to promote improved forest management practices and reforestation. The parties involved in this agreement have signed the Memorandum of Understanding on 18 November 2008. (Mongabay. com, 2008) In Canada, CIDA has led the promotion to reverse the effects of land degradation. CIDA works with the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification or UNCCD. CIDA’s efforts to reverse the effects include: tree planting, sustainable irrigation, and environmental monitoring among others. (Land Degradation, CIDA, 2008) Results The effects of land degradation to Earth’s climate were not observed immediately. Now, the effects of global warming are increasingly being noticed. We have experienced El Nino and La Nina and heard news about the melting of ice in the Arctic. The processes done to counteract the effects could also take longer time before we could see the results. Discussion When the soil lost its productivity due to land degradation, trees and plants could not thrive on it. Add to this phenomenon the continuous illegal logging and deforestation activities could lead to decreased numbers of planted trees and plants. When the number of planted trees and plants continue to lessen, few trees and plants could absorb carbon dioxide, the gas that contributes to global warming due to excessive production. Carbon dioxide traps heat. Too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leads to an abnormal increase in the temperature of the atmosphere, thus the occurrence of global warming. The common causes of land degradation are overgrazing, deforestation, and pollution. There is a human factor in these causes. We are responsible to what is happening in our climate now. As we wait for the results of the present actions concerning global warming. It’s best to help in our own simple ways on how to prevent land degradation. One is to help promote the advocacies of the concerned agencies. Conclusion Global warming is a reality. The effects of it are tremendous and detrimental. Should global warming continue to worsen, Earth and all its tenants are in grave danger. Public awareness of the effects of global warming is deemed necessary. We are the ones who have triggered the ignition of global warming. We should also be the ones to trigger the solution. Works Cited â€Å"California Joins Effort to Fight Global Warming by Saving Rainforests. † Mongabay. com. 19 November 2008. 25 November 2008 â€Å"Climate Change. † Canadian International Development Agency. 24 October 2008. 27 November 2008 â€Å"Climate Change. † U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2008. 27 November 2008 â€Å"Land Degradation. † Canadian International Development Agency. 23 July 2008. 25 November 2008 Stocking, M. & Niamh Murnagham. â€Å"Land Degradation: Guidelines for Field Assessment. † PLEC Databases. 2000. 25 November 2008

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Abelard and Aquinas Essay - 713 Words

Peter Abelard was a renowned dialectician from 1079 to 1142. He subjected theological doctrines to logical analysis. In other words, he used rational argument to discover truth. Saint Thomas Aquinas, was a believer in the power of reason, giving St. Augustines theory an alternate approach. He taught in Paris and Italy during the years 1225 to 1274. Both of these new age thinkers changed the way Catholic followers viewed the natural world. Peter Abelard was one of the new thinkers that applied scholasticism to his theological aspects. According to the excerpt Scholastic thinkers assumed that some teachings of Christianity, which thy accepted as true by faith, could also be demonstrated to be true by reason (238). Peter†¦show more content†¦His greatest work was Summa Theologica. In this work he attempted to merge faith with reason, and the works of Aristotle with the scriptures. Historically, he is seen as an alternate approach to St. Augustines view of the city of man versus the city of God. Augustine and Aquinas shared the belief that the original sin was Adam and Eves venture through the garden of good and evil. On page 239, Aquinas held that both faith and reason came from God, they were not in opposition to each other; properly understood, they supported each other.. He did not want people to shun the idea of reason, he wanted the world to see that it was not evil. Combining Christianity with Aristotelian knowledge, he shed light upon the difficulty to distinguish common ground between the natural world and the supernatural world. The excerpt is divided into two different sections, Whether, Besides the Philosophical Sciences, Any Further Doctrine Is Required? and Whether God Exists?. In the second section he proves five ways God exists by using Aristotles technique in philosophy, they are motion, nature of efficient cause, possibility and necessity, the graduation to be found in things, and the governance of the world. The way he words his logic is extremely confusing. For example, Now it is not possible that the same thing should be at one in actuality and potentiality in the same respect, but only in different respects. For what is actually hot cannotShow MoreRelatedThe Main Controversies of Medieval Thought in the 12th and 13th Centuries1050 Words   |  5 Pagesthat the two truths of faith and reason were irreconcilable. Maimonides was at the same time an orthodox Jew and a firm adherent to Aristotelian philosophy. He was therefore in the same position as his Christian counterparts, particularly Thomas Aquinas, and faced the problem of combining the two. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Ethical Issues Of Abortion - 1847 Words

Various ethical issues result from abortion, however the main one s to be discussed are regarding whether abortion is considered the taking of human life, the mental state of a woman becoming a mother, and whose decision is it to determine whether they should be permitted. Ultimately, the most significant concepts surrounding abortion relate to the Value of Human Life and The Principal of Individual Freedom. The Value of Life refers to the idea that our lives are a basic ownership. Every person experiences their own lives in a unique way, and no-one can truly live another s life. Everyone must be treated as unique, however this does not remove the concept that ending of a human life cannot be justified, rather it is believed it should†¦show more content†¦Pro-life s arguments are based on the value of life, that is, the right to life is absolute, especially the right of unborn life and its innocence. Thus, every unborn child should be regarded as human and receive all rights deserved from the moment of conception onwards. Whether we believe that the fetus is a person or not, it s debatable that a woman has some sort of ethical responsibility to the fetus. Also, abortions further along in the pregnancy are even more greatly concerned with the assumption of taking a human life because they feel there is something very human about the fetus as its development has continued. There are several other issues concerning abortion, for instance, the medical and psychological effects of abortion on women are harmful, the dangers of pregnancy are almost irrelevant because of technological advances therefore abortions are unnecessary, there are alternatives to an abortion such as adoption, and the belief that women must accept full responsibility for their actions and innocent life cannot be sacrificed if they fail to do so through their own carelessness. Even when it comes to rape, some believe it is the annihilation of innocent unborn human life is still not justified. Pro-life believe that if women want complete control over their body, then control should include using contraceptives to avoid unwantedShow MoreRelatedThe Ethical Issues Of Abortion1024 Words   |  5 Pagesnumerous ethical issues that can develop in labor and delivery whether this issue influences the mother, baby, or both. In healthcare, it is an obligation for the provider to give ideal care, treatment, and prevent harm to patients while making ethical choices. Here and there, these choices aren t highly contrasting and providers must outweigh benefits versus harm in order to give the best care possible for mother and baby. 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The history of abortion dates fartherRead MoreThe Ethical Issue Of Abortion2254 Words   |  10 PagesAbortion is the intended termination of a human pregnancy which is commonly done within the initial 28 weeks of pregnancy. It is the slaughtering of developing lives or babies amid a woman’s pregnancy. They come with a myriad of different procedures according to how far along the pregnancy is. This ethical issue is a subject all over the world and there are arguments for whether or not it goes against all morals. Premature birth has been and most likely will always be a controversial topic consideringRead MoreAbortion Ethical Issues Essay1435 Words   |  6 PagesRE An ethical issue is defined as â€Å"an issue relating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge of dealing with these.† The ethical issue I have chosen is the issue of abortion; an abortion is â€Å"the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks.† In New Zealand, the legal law for an abortion is up to 14 weeks. Abortion is an ethical issue in the Catholic religion as they teach that human life is created and begins at the moment of conception, theyRead MoreEthical Issue Of Elective Abortion Essay1738 Words   |  7 PagesEthical issue in the news June 2016 Three online news articles, two of which are New Zealand-centric, on the subject of elective abortion were published on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of June. News The first article I read called attention to New Zealand’s elective abortion laws, which criminalises elective abortion. The article claimed that the laws are outdated and requires change. It mentioned the pro-elective abortion faction’s campaign to remove elective abortion from the 1961 Crimes ActRead More Abortion as an Ethical Issue Essay2547 Words   |  11 PagesAbortion as an Ethical Issue In recent years, abortion has become one of the world’s most discussed ethical issues. This has made a huge impact on both men and women’s lives. There are many different views on abortion dating back from the Old Testament to the present day. I intend to show you all of abortion’s conventional arguments. 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Most arguments about abortion are often focused on political insinuations and the legal aspect of such actions. Some frequently asked questions’ regarding the issue is if the practice should be outlawed and regarded as murder or should women have the right to practice it. For example, prior to